Sunday, January 25, 2009

Whoa! I have a blog!!

Although I would say that I'm somewhat computer savvy, I've definitely never blogged before! So here I am - writing about me! I have to say that the last year of my life has been a roller coaster that has carried me through my niece turning one, my baby sister getting married, meeting that man I am going to marry and now, sitting before me, a big move to the Metroplex!! I wouldn't change a thing about this "roller coaster ride" but wouldn't it be nice to have a pause button to hit so that I could sit down and reflect upon the things that have happened.

I'm getting married in 11 months to the man of my dreams and before that happens I have to say goodbye to my mom and dad (one of the hardest things for me to do), goodbye to my friends and co-workers, goodbye to my precious elementary school and goodbye to the life that I have known here in Austin for 3 years since graduating college. Am I scared? Oh yes, absolutely. Am I worried? You betcha. Am I going to be happier than I could have ever imagined? I am certain of it. Jacob (my precious Fiance) tells me all the time that everything is going to be okay and that we'll make it, and I know he is right. After all, I would never have ever chosen to wind up at Live Oak Elementary School in Austin, Texas where I found the most rambunctious 7 and 8 year olds reared up and ready to give me a run for my money my first year of teaching. But, if God hadn't brought me to Live Oak then I would have never met Jacob, so I know that He has bigger plans for me than I realize. So, with everything that I have been given - a beautiful, loving, healthy family, a great job, a wonderful man who loves me and a set of friends that I consider my second family - I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world. I feel joyful. I feel happy. I am blessed.